Narrative Therapy – it’s a thing. 

Understand your life as a story, complete with beginning, denouement, climax, and all the conflict in between. Like any good story that’s not a tragedy (and even tragedies to some extent), our lives have redemption and purpose. 

Such is the thrust of Dan Allender’s book, To Be Told

He also guides you in understanding the “stories” that others often spin on you, and the process of re-writing your story in light of the redemptive meta-narrative of God (Allender comes from a Christian background, though he avoids being too “Christianese”). 

Write, Edit, Tell

He gives helpful pointers along the way: find editors; other people who give insight to the redemption in your life and your character; share your story, so as to impact others and reveal the ultimate Author of every story, God himself. 

To Be Told was helpful, but I want a clearer process: lay it out for me in a page or two. Give me actual steps each chapter (some chapters have this, but most are reflection questions – helpful in themselves, but less action-oriented). 

Nonetheless, I think I know what to do. Allender’s approach is, uncoincidentally, very story-like. He shares his own story, the stories of others, and inevitably you put yourself in their shoes. By the end of the book, I feel like I’ve been through the story-writing process and understand its purpose. 

Finally, while I am a Christian and understand the general idea of redemption and applying its theme to my life, it seems less clear theologically how Allender is applying the work of Jesus to the life of the co-author (i.e. the reader). Perhaps that is up to them – but it would be helpful if he gave us some “legs to run on” here. 

I already feel more positively about my story thanks to Dr. Allender. I have an idea of how to proceed and continue to reframe things positively – and eternally. And I can confidently recommend this book to anyone looking to dig deep into themselves and their lives in order to better understand their place in God’s world and story. 

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